In addition to paperbacks and ebooks, I (Claire) also love listening to books through Audible, This makes sense given I (a) love to read and (b) spend an insane amount of time in the car driving to and from work, most of which is spent plotting the murders of my fellow motorists that I figured it would be a better, more productive use of my time.
And it’s definitely a great distraction listening to a talking book, although it’s also a bit of an art form. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve zoned out, only to discover 3 or more chapters have passed me by and I have no clue as to what’s happened.
Side note: when Hubs and I were driving across country once, we somehow decided to take the 12 disc talking book (yes it was a while ago) of 2001: A Space Odyssey… Yes, I shit you not, this was a 12 disc monstrosity that I have no desire to revisit Ever. Again. The movie was bad enough, the talking book…fuck me, forget water boarding, this is what should be used as a torture device! Naturally, while it was playing I fell asleep multiple times during this riveting book. Don’t worry, I wasn’t driving at the time, so we weren’t in any danger. However, because of the type of book it was, I could pretty much wake up at any point in the storyline, and sweet fuck all would have happened. And yes, I am being serious. I mean it took virtually an entire CD to describe that big black monolith (oh look, I took 3 words to describe it), that the apes stare at.
Anyway, I digress…
Where was I? Oh yes, zoning out. So while that has happened with me in the past, it doesn’t tend to happen now, and I’ll give you one reason why…Sex.
Yep, you heard it, sex. This talking book I’m listening to, although dubbed as a crime/thriller, has sex…and plenty of it. And there is something strangely funny about listening to sex while it’s being read out loud to you. And before you start picturing all sorts of dirty scenarios, it’s not straight up porn! There’s no actual moaning or sound effects, but what there is, is thrusting and wetness and climaxing and…oh god, I can barely type this without laughing…seed exploding! Yeah, you heard me… Seed. Exploding. And let me tell you, it’s super weird sitting in a car, surrounded by your fellow morning commuters, barely awake as you mainline coffee and try not to kill anyone, while at the same time, listening to two fictional characters get off.
What a fucking wake-up call!
And yeah, it makes me laugh…out loud! It also makes me look around. You know, just to check my volume isn’t really that loud that everyone else can hear it too! I just hope I don’t crash the car or get pulled over, because I’m not quite sure how I’ll explain exploding seed to the cop that’s first on scene.
~ Claire
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